Under the Pinnacle Companies, the sub-brand Collective Design Group did not stand out, but had the potential and desire to be a brand that grows and expands across the Colorado region and beyond. They had a proven history of creating inspiring spaces through modern architectural design, an inviting retail home goods and furnishings store, and high-end luxury interior design work.
To help explore the strengths and weaknesses of this division's brand, a comprehensive audit and evolution were undertaken. To start, removing the word "Group" from "Collective Design Group" was advised. The word seemed clumsy and repetitive, as the word "Collective" inherently meant a collection or grouping.
To match the new name, a revised logo mark was designed. The original logo felt dated and cumbersome and had combined a tribal mark with a stretched-out serif typeface and non-complimentary serif typeface.
It was advised to remove the "G" from the monogram, as well as to revise the shape of the mark to be squared off better suiting the digital world of social media profile images and favicons. Lastly, the color palette went from grayscale to strictly black and white, creating a truly sleek and modern luxury brand.
To expand on the elevated monogram mark, a series of lock-up templates were developed for future program, department, and partnership logos.
A container was built to create recognition surrounding the logo mark and is a flexible system for both print and digital pieces β working perfectly for youtube thumbnails, sample artwork, merchandise labels, and promotional materials.
Through exploration and thoughtful strategic thinking, this unexpected brand evolution has elevated Collective Design into a brand that is consistent, cohesive, sophisticated, and modern.
Agency: Manifesto

Mock Up Attribution
<a href="https://www.freepik.com/free-psd/logo-mockup-modern-window-sign-wood-wall_13090293.htm">Image by asylab</a> on Freepik
<a href="https://www.freepik.com/free-psd/silk-tape-design-mockup_22130153.htm#query=ribbon%20mockup&position=15&from_view=search&track=sph">Freepik</a>